
Meteor Crash Renovation

Last week, to my disbelief, a meteor crashed into my extravagant mansion. I was away, luxuriating in my third beach house on the coast, and my family and team of over fifty maids and servants were absent as well. In a state of hysteria, my neighbour called me, raving about a colossal rock plummeting from the heavens. It wasn’t until I spoke with the police in the afternoon that I comprehended the true extent of the incident. Fortunately, most of my residence remained unscathed, but the bathroom would undeniably require a complete overhaul.

Thankfully, my opulence facilitated a swift call to one of the best bathroom renovations and repair companies Melbourne has to offer. I explained the extraordinary circumstances to them, leaving them utterly dumbfounded. Intrigued, they decided to cancel their other appointments and arrive at the crash site on the very same day.

My mansion became the subject of intense speculation, drawing considerable media attention. This unforeseen publicity proved advantageous not only for myself but also for my small business of painting miniature birds. The incident had an unexpected benefit as well: it thrust me into the spotlight of Melbourne’s elite socialites. In the past week, I received numerous direct messages from high-profile individuals inquiring about the progress of my ensuite bathroom renovation following the unusual event.

Once the repairs are complete, I intend to host a grand dinner party, inviting a select few of these socialites to solidify our budding friendships. The repair company has expedited the process, recognising the high-profile nature of my residence. However, the extensive ensuite renovations—comprising the installation of a new shower, sink, and toilet, along with elegant black tiles and updated plumbing—leave the duration uncertain.

Although the situation is peculiar, it undeniably heralds an exhilarating chapter in my life. The prospect of a transformed bathroom fills me with anticipation and excitement as I navigate this unusual journey. Word of my extravagant bathroom renovation spreads like wildfire, igniting a flurry of curiosity and envy among the city’s elite. Social media buzzes with anticipation, and my inbox is flooded with inquiries from both acquaintances and newfound admirers.

Renovation and Design

As of late, I’ve developed a newfound fascination with home renovation television shows. They’re incredibly enjoyable, and I think it’s the transformation aspect that captivates me. It reminds me of the princess films I adored as a child, where something ordinary becomes extraordinary. Inspired by these shows, I’ve decided to embark on my own kitchen renovation project. Luckily, I’ve been diligently saving money for a rainy day, so I won’t be going into debt impulsively. While I could have used my savings for travel, I believe I can complete the renovation in an affordable manner and still have plenty of funds left for a trip to the hot spring pools in Iceland.

After binge-watching numerous renovation shows, I now have a clear idea of what a well-designed kitchen should entail. There are several considerations, such as the optimal placement of appliances and countertops to maximise space, as well as how the kitchen should flow with the rest of the house. This includes aspects like the physical walkway from the kitchen to the other areas of the house, as well as colour schemes and material textures. To ensure that my kitchen turns out flawless and stunning, I’m contemplating enlisting the expertise of a kitchen design company. Melbourne, where I reside, has a plethora of affordable companies that specialise in assisting renovators with kitchen, bathroom, and laundry layouts.

Seeking advice from professionals might be just the ticket to achieving a kitchen that exudes awe-inspiring beauty once the renovations are completed. Of course, functionality is crucial, and I want my kitchen to be efficient for cooking, cleaning, and moving about with ease. However, I also dream of inviting my friends over and watching their jaws drop in amazement at the sheer beauty of my kitchen. I want it to be a space that leaves a lasting impression, where friends and family can gather and marvel at the transformation. With the help of a reputable kitchen design company and careful planning, I’m confident that my kitchen renovation will result in a space that surpasses my wildest expectations.

Renovation Unobtainable

They didn’t quite make it out of the Renovation Kingdom before sundown, so Princess Plum gave the Fellowship permission to set up camp again. They’d decided to head toward the Conveyancing Kingdom next, as the trail of destruction appeared to go that way, although it was hard to be certain of that. Although the princess had always loved the Renovation Kingdom with its brilliant kitchen designers, she had never held such fondness for the Conveyancing Kingdom. 

She knew that the Conveyancing Kingdom had an essential role in keeping the Power Star Lands functional, but a kingdom full of people who handled the legal side of property sale was something she simply found boring. Frankly, she wasn’t sure why the Power Star Lands needed so many conveyancers at all. Surely a handful of them would do. A whole kingdom seemed like it was a bit overboard, in her opinion. With a few drinks in her system, Princess Plum might even confess to herself that the entire property system in these lands seemed completely broken. Property went to the highest bidder, but wasn’t housing a right? In fact, her father had passed several laws that made homelessness illegal, and yet the system meant that many people in the Power Star Lands were beholden to their landlords, since they couldn’t afford a house for themselves.

Princess Plum felt bad for the people who were forced to rent their home throughout the numerous kingdoms. Many of her poor mushroom subjects didn’t even have the option to hire designers for kitchen renovations near Melbourne, who could travel to the Fungus Kingdom and upgrade their mushroom homes with a new shower or oven. She wished she could do something about it, but she was only the sovereign ruler of the Fungus Kingdom. What power did she have to overhaul the entire housing system? No, it was just too bad.

That unfortunate truth meant she wasn’t really looking forward to setting foot in the Conveyancing Kingdom. It would just make her sad that many people were forced to choose between illegal homelessness or dedicating large parts of their income to paying off someone else’s mortgage. If only they could have lived in a giant castle like she did.

Representative Renovation

“So, why did you decide to help us stop Trowser?” Princess Plum asked Marion as they headed toward the Cloud Kingdom. “We could do it on our own.”

“Truthfully, things have been such a mess in the normal world that I just needed a break. An adventure to stop a giant turtle monster seemed like the perfect cure for my dull life.”

Princess Plum nodded. “I see. And you have never visited the Power Star Lands before? What do you think of our kingdoms?”

“Very impressive,” said Marion. “Although I do wish I had gotten to see the Renovation Kingdom before its destruction. If I hadn’t been a plumber, I think I would have gotten into the kitchen renovation business. I must say, though, have you ever considered transitioning your kingdom over to a representative democracy? Kingdoms are so out of touch these days.”

“Representative democracy?” Princess Plum said.

“Yeah, it’s a form of government where people vote for someone to represent their interests in parliament, where all the decisions are made. Indirectly, the people vote for a president to be in charge of the country.”

“So people would vote for me to be their ruler, and instead of being a princess, I would be a president?”

“Well, not necessarily,” said Marion. “You wouldn’t be the ruler at all unless you had a campaign to be elected as one of these representatives in parliament. Maybe if you were popular enough, you could lead the parliament as the country’s president. Running on a platform of helping the best kitchen designers close to Melbourne rebuild their homes would be a good start.”

“But what if the people don’t vote for me? How do I continue to be the ruler of my country?”

Marion chuckled. “That’s the neat thing. You don’t.”

“I don’t? But I was born to rule the Fungus Kingdom.”

“Nobody should be born to rule anything,” Marion said. “Sure, you might be a good ruler that cares about the people, but what if the next ruler of the Fungus Kingdom isn’t so kind? How would that be fair to the mushroom people?”

Princess Plum didn’t have an answer to that.

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